What shipping courier does your store use to ship parcels?

  • The two main couriers our store use are Fedex (Ground) and Canada Post (Expedited) . These services are used interchangeably duo to customer requests and also shipping rates. However our Default shipping courier is Canada Post. All shipments are provided with tracking number each, that you used to check the status of your shipment. Please allow at least 48 hours of processing before tracking a package. We will issue you a tracking number once we have sent out your order. Your tracking number will be active once your package is scanned in by shipping couriers


Does the packages(boxes) have any label or contents info from the outside?

  • The packages are not labeled. The have no stickers which carries products informations nor does it carry company logo. However it can have at most two stickers; fragile sticker and shipping label that contains shipping information and tracking number.


Do you ship canada wide?

  • YES! We ship across Canada thats includes: ON., BC., QC., NS., P.E.I. NB. and NL. The cost of shipping your parcels will be determined my our system calculation at the checkout, based on the location of order and the dispatching location.


What is the shipping time?

  • Shipping time vary from place to place, based our data and the couriers, shipping time can be between 4 business days to 5 days most of the time however, sometimes it can takes upto a week or 10 days. NOTE: Any order placed after 3pm CST Monday to Thursday and those placed on Friday might/will be processed the following business day regardless of the shipping method.


The parcels lost covered by the company?

The packages are insured and will be covered incase package failed to be delivered by the couriers mentioned above. However the packages must be tracked within 24-48 hours after being shipped and must be available during delivery because signature on delivery is not an option we provide. Incase it fail to be delivered you can send us an email regarding the issue and we will try to investigate and will send a replacement.


Orders can be placed online. For Phone Orders please click CONTACT US and leave your contact information and one of our store representative will call you to place your order over the phone.

Contact Us

 You can e-mail us at support@lawnstock.ca

All the emails are responded within 24 hours!